Our Lady Queen Of Hope
Mass Times:
Sun. 10am
Wed and Thur 10am
Fri 10am
St Joseph & St Malachy’s Church
Mass Times
Vigil Mass Sat. evening: 7pm
Mon and Tue. 10am
Latest News
St. Malachy’s Primary School – Open Day
We welcome prospective new pupils and their parents/guardians to experience our friendly school atmosphere. Come along and meet our wonderful pupils and staff on Monday 16th December 1.30pm – 3.00pm. We have a strong partnership between home, school, the Church and the community. We have small class sizes along with a safe, happy, and stimulating class environment. Please feel free to call us on
028 867 37132 or view our website www.stmalachyspsdrummallan.com. We look forward to welcoming you all.